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Buck Studio Mascot / Receptionist Buck, aka "Mr. Studio Ears", is our resident Vibration Spectrum Analyist here at Aha Music. He specializes in discerning waveforms withinin the 40Hz-60kHz frequency range (well beyond the scope of limited human hearing). Doubling as self-appointed Receptionist, he is often the first friendly face to greet you at our door, and although he has often been mistaken for a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Buck is in actuality a very gifted 7-year-old Shepherd-Chow mix. Rumor has it that Buck passed up a full seeing-eye-dog scholarship as well as a career in the lucrative area of K9 Law Enforcement, so that he might remain close to home; where he enjoys lounging in the Sss-Hound Room, sunbathing on the back porch, supervising the local chipmunk population, and overseeing all manners of operations here at Aha Music. He loves company, walks and car-rides, playing with squeaky toys, eating toast or oatmeal for breakfast, as well as anything resembling a cookie or a treat any time of day.
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